Documents Management and control over approval and
versioning. Change management over documents. Templates,
Certificates and Project or Program conformity models. Digital
signature, automatic document composition and generation. Document
typologies rules definition, relations and authomatic email
archiver as documents.
As Designed
Creation and versioning of Technical structures, release
process and planning. Change management over items and documents,
at Product, Project, Contract or single delivery level. Item
relations and Reuse, Continuos and single baselining modes,
alternative or equivalent Items. Item typologies rules definition.
Automatic BOM - EBOM - MBOM management and its modification
As Delivered
Management of WBS, CBS, WBE with delivery control.
Cooperative WBS modification process with change control over
single deliverable and document. Rescheduling and Assessment
recording with historical analisys. Metrics and kpi over changing
WBS. Configured deliveries and Contract Status Report generation.
As Mantained
From technical structures to physical Parts delivered to
customers. Depot, physical, functional and georeferenced structural
system views. Warranty and maintenance plans within a full
Configuration control over delivered physical parts and software.
Design loop control and selective maintenance interventions.
Logistic support analisys data and metrics over asset structures
and maintenance programs.